Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Select from the options below to jump to a specific section. My dear friend Melissa is always there for me. She is the friend I lean upon when filled with…
Purple Dead Nettle
Purple Dead Nettle
Purple Dead Nettle, you pop up so fast Your tell-tale purple blossoms most certainly don't last. Creeping Charlie and Henbit try to play us a fool But we know your…
Eastern White Pine
Eastern White Pine
Eastern White Pine, or Tree of Peace Breathe fresh aromatics for Stress Release Acupuncture like needles in groups of five Spell W-H-I-T-E to assist you to identify Their needles do…
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel
Sung to "Pop, Goes the Weasel" Blooming strong in winter snow When people are more frail The tree dawns yellow flowers bright Yup, that's Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana Gets native…